How to Draw a Zombie Horse, Zombie Horse

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Begin by making two circles, one for the head and the other for the body. Connect the two shapes with a neck line.


The next thing you want to do is draw out the structure of the horse's muzzle and lower jaw. As you can see the lining is very crooked and creepy looking. Draw the brow bone like so, and move to step three.


You will finish drawing out the head and face with this step. Start by sketching out the forehead, and then the rest of the head structure by sketching the cheek bone. Draw in the spiked mane in chunks instead of strands. Have some tips that are piec   


This is probably one of the easiest steps. All you have to do is draw in the chest or neck, and then draw out the front legs. Make sure that you cap the ends of the legs with flattened hooves. Don't forget to add some muscle definition around the sho   


Continue to sketch out the body by drawing the rest of the thick neck, and then draw in the back, butt or rear quarters, and then draw in the stomach and hind leg. Once that is done, you have to sketch in the rest of the spiky mane on the back of the   


We can finish off the zombie horse now that all of the body, head and face is all sketched in. Sketch out the hair line at the bottom of each hoof, and then draw out the stitch lines that are used to close up some of the gashes. Draw the hole and gut   


Here is your finished drawing when you are all done. Now you can start the coloring process to finish this drawing on a cool zombie horse.

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September 14, 2011

Description: Hey all, welcome back to another fun, and awesome lesson that is going to be super exciting to replicate. Two days ago I drew a couple of zombie animals and one of them is already submitted. It was the zombie dragon, and it was a big hit. Today I will start the day by uploading the other zombie animal that was supposed to go up but I didn’t have a chance to do so because I was swamped with work. So here is what I like to call a tutorial on "how to draw a zombie horse", step by step. The horse is what I like to describe as being a disgusting mess with a bunch of blood and gore. Now even though the horse looks like a toy gone wrong, it still has a very hearty look with a stiff mane and gnarly tail. The overall drawing took me an hour and half from start to finish. The steps took me another fifteen minutes to make, but I think you will have an awesome time tackling the task to creating an animal that is a perfect specimen for a Halloween drawing or decoration. I think that just about does it for this description on drawing a zombie horse. Stay tuned in to see if there will be more tutorials like this one on this warm autumn day. Peace out people and have fun!

#how to draw horses #how to draw zombie animals
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