How to Draw Looney Tunes

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When you start drawing these baby Looney Tune characters, be sure to have an eraser handy because you might make some mistakes. First, start with Daffy who happens to be to the left hand side. Draw a circle for his head, and then an oval shape for hi   


Now you will start sketching out the shape of Daffy's head and then be sure to draw some pieces of thick hair on his head. Once that is complete, you will then draw the beginning shape of his big baby beak. For baby Bugs, start by sketching out the s   


Look how cute baby Daffy looks when you are done with this step. What I want you to do first is draw the big eyes, and pupils. Next draw the lining on his beak to give him an open friendly looking baby cooing mouth. Sketch out the beginning shape of    


You are already almost done drawing these baby Looney Tunes characters. What you will be focusing on next is their bodies. For Daffy draw out his chubby looking arms and hands and then draw the shapes of his legs and left duck foot. Then you will nee   


Here is your last drawing step and all you have to do is add some feathery fluff to Daffy's chest, and then give him a ducky tail. Define his feet, and then move onto drawing baby Bugs arms, hands, legs, and feet. Be sure to add some detailing to his   


Now that you have finished this tutorial on "how to draw Looney Tunes, step by step", you can now have even more fun coloring these baby Looney Tunes characters in. Join me once again for another fun filled lesson here at

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January 1, 2010

Description: What cartoon characters are known for their comedic abilities and off the wall personalities? Well, a few characters come to mind, but in all honesty, I think Warner Bros. topped the cake when they made the Looney Tunes crew. I'm talking about Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig, Sylvester, Tweety, Marvin the Martian, Pepe' Le Pew, Yosemite Sam, Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote, and of course who can forget Speedy Gonzales and Tasmanian Devil. Those are some of the more popular characters that come to mind when you think about Warner Bros. This tutorial is going to show you "how to draw Looney Tunes”. Now, because I already have a drawing lesson on Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, I will actually show you how to draw baby Looney Tunes, Bugs, and Daffy. I think that they both came out pretty good, but my favorite is Bugs Bunny. He looks so incredibly cute to a point that I want to pick him up and eat him. Whenever you draw cartoons, you have to keep in mind that they are supposed to be either goofy, sweet, mean, kind, charming, funny, rude, and even obnoxious. Try drawing your characters with expressions that help convey how they are personality wise. As for these adorable babies, I drew them to look innocent, playful, and infantile. Have fun guys with this tutorial, I just know you will have a blast. It's not everyday that you come across a lesson that teaches you “how to draw Looney Tunes, step by step””. But then again what do I know right? Adios, and happy drawing. Tha, tha, that's all folks!

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